WOW. Remembering about this day in the Salt Flats makes me having a big smile :-)
This day has been so good, I barely realized while living it… for sure it deservers a good blog post! Starting with a tough & early run, the day rolled on with a wander through rusted, abandonned, trains wagons, then the famous endless salt-flats, followed by a hike on an improbable cactus-island before to end with a sunset on the t flats… Great memories! :-)
We arrive in Uyuni from the Potosi town at the end of the afternoon, Saturday August 3rd, just after the sun dropped. Dawn was not helping the town to look nicer, it's clearly a tiny "1-night before or after the Uyuni trip tourists trap" town. Streets are dirty, with many dogs running & barking around.
Still, after a disgusting dinner, we succeeded to find a fun bar and get some nice pisco sours and some dancing, surprising here and at 3,800m high… plus another good proof you can have fun anywhere ;) !
Sunday August 4th is the big day! I am starting with the group a 3 days trip across Uyuni then South Bolivia volcanos and lagoons, with 4x4 jeeps, to reach San Pedro de Atacama in Chile on Tuesday noon.
Departure 10am, but I decide to test my body limits with a run in the early morning… Wow, that was tough! -2°C with a low oxygen level at 3,800m, I only lasted 25mn running on 4km… interesting experience (& I didn't got bitten by a dog, big plus).
After loading the jeeps and a quick briefing, we finally hit the road at 11am. It barely takes 20mn to reach this abandoned train cemetery, which has become a classic attraction there, but is really nice to see a bit. The surrounding of the high Andes and the dry flats create a great set-up to wander between those rusted train wagons and take shots.
Train cemetery: a rusted, broken wagon |
Locomotive closeup shot |
Can start training on "posing pics" before Uyuni ;) |
Train cemetery overview, with the Andes in the background (remember, standing 3,800m high here!) |
Train cemetery weird rusted thing |
Train cemetery detail |
A classic locomotive shot with the Andes and Uyuni salt flats start in the background |
Another 20mn drive brings us to the real border of the Uyuni salt flats, where few locals still work to collect, store and produce salt at the salt cooperative:
Use as an entry point to go in the salt flats, our guides takes here to also see how salt bags are being made from the salt collected in the salt. Let's say it's still a very artisanal technic here! This is as well, an opportunity to see a bit how Bolivian live (survive) in this desertic area of the country… poorly and basically.
A view on the village |
A salt collection point |
The "process" of drying the salt to pack it into a bag |
Local houses |
Leaving the village, we finally arrive in the Uyuni salt flats by 1pm, discovering 1st the salt piles area, where the salt-cooperative workers come to pile-up salt to dry it before to bring it to the village. This view is quite special, and the feel of entering the Salt Flats is even more special: this is a really a unique place and scenery on Earth!
Uyuni salt piles |
My G-Adventure group posing on salt piles :) |
30mn drive within the Salt Flats and you feel like on a different planet: this is really damn flat, gigantic (about the size of Lebanon or Jamaica), and in this dry season period, the ground is organized in pretty polygonal shapes of salts (mostly hexagons!), which is due to a drying process after the rainy season. Completely amazing to see and enjoy. When I look again at the pictures, I just want to teleport myself there and see this scenery again.
We had lunch right there beside the jeeps, whatever food it was, this lunch was fabulous.
The Uyuni Salt Flats: spectacular |
The Uyuni Salt-Flats : you can drive at 100 km/h and close your eyes for a mn ;)! |
Closeup shot of the salt hexagons |
In the Salt Flats, a famous game is… fun picture poses. Given the endless perspective and white ground, it is very easy to make fun pictures… just a few below to show:
A crane digging up Stevie |
Making of the pic: Andrew in a special posing ;) |
George throwing me up |
Me, "carrying" Daisy, Stevie and Nina: easy |
INCAHUASI ISLAND… or the Cactus Island!
I could not really believe it when we arrive there. I had just no clue I would ever see this in the middle of the salt-flats: an island of cactus, standing on rocky hills up to 80m above the flats. What a scenery!
As the Salt-Flats were previously a vast inland-lake of trapped salty water, it dried up to create the Salt Flats… and the few islands in the lake stayed.
This one had a sacred meaning for the Incas, and ceremony to Pachamama are still practiced regularly at the top of it. After hiking up through the cactus and lamas, we played one thanks to our guide, this was fun. As is was an undersea area at some point, we could also observe some old, dead corals… weird at 3,800m high!
Incahuasi island: cactus and rocks in the middle of the Salt-Flats |
Lamas walking around |
1 side of the island with the Salt-Flats background |
Cactus are centuries old, and tallest are up to 9m! |
The coral rocks… yes, this is natural ;-) |
We finished the day driving toward the night-camp at the South of the salts, enjoying amazing sunset views and feeling in this special location, of course doing a bit more posing ;-)
Jumping over the sun: easy |
Being kicked by a British: aie! |
Sunset on the flats |
The evening and night will be tougher… rustic salt-hostel, i.e. with walls, beds, tables and chairs done with salt bricks, without any heaters and only basic amenities… well, I still thought it was pretty good for this lost location and high altitude.
In the evening, I am having a lot of fun with the group, gathering around the electric plugs and our hardware loading for the next day, listening to some good music while drinking the cheap Bolivian (but good!) wines we bought the day before.
Great atmosphere after a great day… but before 10pm, as electricity & lights will shut-down! |
It's freezing cold in and out (-5°C or less… not really geared up for this), but looking at the night sky is astonishing: it's almost like we could see space through the Milky Way!
(thanks Andrew for the pics ;)
Amazing night sky view! ©Andrew Leung |
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