What is this blog for?

Yes, I am lucky enough to realize one of my dream: doing a world-tour traveling Eastward, crossing about 20 countries during 7 months :-))
This blog tries to share part of this personal experience, through pictures, descriptions and thoughts. This is also to keep a track for me to remember later on ;)
Enjoy and do not hesitate to comment!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Kruger Park safari (2)

Tuesday April 9th

Wow, 1st 5:30am wake-up start to jump into the jeep and head toward the bush at sunrise... A bit tough, but definitely worth :))

Driving into the bush that early... was so so nice. Though I am not at all a morning guy, I could only appreciate the tender of the light brightening up the landscape... Pictures unfortunately cannot translate the impression here, but this was feeling really good. 
Our guide, Yosti, is very knowledgeable and can spot any animal or bird around the road. Very helpful! 

After some time without seeing any animal... the serious stuff is showing up. Super lucky, we got 5 lions laying down a secondary road. Impressive even if they are not moving much. They are so nice and respectful. Much more impressive than yesterday, seeing the into the light does force respect and their slow cat movements, keep showing how powerful they could be. 

After, we stay on checking some of the "big 7", with a Rhino, a Hippo, then some giraffes and elephants. A herd of Hyenas is also passing by, even if they are not really cutes, nice to see them taking care of their babies while eating a dead animal.

During this time, we also see quite some nice birds... i'll need to find the right names again, but the African stories our guide is telling us about how the birds were used into the African habits to declare its love to a woman or ask to marry her. Very interesting, so different cultures...

A big point which cannot be shared via text or pics: the feeling of being in the Kruger bush, smelling this particular odor while being in a wild nature... so nice, I loved it. 


  1. Bes, c'est dingue! Amazing! On n'avait même pas vu un seul lion, tu as l'air si près! On avait adoré l'ambiance dans le kruger (même si on se faisait surprendre par la nuit qui tombe vite!). C'est top, continue à enrichir ton blog! Ne laisse pas tomber, OK?? Bisous et bon voyage (tu me fais vraiment rêver...) Perrine

    1. Merci Perrine & PA!! Pas évident de faire les update pendant le voyage... surtout qu'internet et le wifi en Afrique c pas vraiment up to date... mais bon, I do my best ;)
      Rajouté qq articles, voyagez bien! bises
